The Magic Voyage

The Magic Voyage is a 1992 German animated fantasy film, released theatrically in Germany as Die Abenteuer von Pico und Columbus English The Adventures of Pico and Columbus by Bavaria Film inFebruary 1992. The film was later dubbed in English and released in the United States and Canada. Two English dubs were actually produced. The first one was a rare English dub, while the second English dub was released by Hemdale Film Corporation as The Magic Voyage onApril 1993 with a new and more wellknown voice cast. Both English versions also had different music soundtracks and different translations. It was produced and directed by Michael Schoemann. The film was widely panned by critics and audiences, being criticised for its poor animation quality, fairy tale plot, nonsense voice acting, and poorly written script.

As Columbus shows the King that the world is round and not flat, the King is outraged by this theory and has his guards throw Columbus out. But before they even get his hands on him, Isabella barges in and is instantly lovestruck by Columbus. Columbus explains his voyage thatll prove his newly discovered theory to Isabella, and she decides to finance Columbus voyage to prove that the world is round. The King agrees to do this as well, but he tells Columbus that if he doesnt return with gold, he will be executed. As the three have a feast that night, Pico decides to leave them and snoop around the castle. He climbs a large tower and hops across from the window onto a chandelier, where he meets Marilyn, the fairy princess of a faraway land. All was well with her land until the evil Swarm Lord took her away and keeps her prisoner inside the chandelier until she tells him the secret of her powers, which dont work on the forces of evil. Pico and Marilyn try to escape, but the Swarm Lord returns and takes Marilyn away to his lair in the stillundiscovered new world of America. As the Swarm Lord flies away, Pico determines to get Marilyn back.The next day, Columbus is about to set sail on the Santa Maria to discover the new world. Pico rushes to the ship, but is stopped by a trio of rats, who plan to eat him. Pico manages to escape, but the rats follow him, hopefully to get a free ride to the new world. Pico gets on board Columbuss ship. The two friends reunite, and Pico explains that he needs to save Marilyn. Columbuss shipmates overhear their captain talking to Pico, and come to the conclusion that Columbus is crazy. As the ships continue on their voyage, Pico bumps into the rats again. They want to leave the ship on one of the lifeboats, because they overheard that the ship is heading to the supposed edge of the earth. Pico needs them to stay, in case if the shipmates want to plan a mutiny on Columbus, and the lifeboat is his only chance. Pico convinces the rats to stay

Source: Wikipedia